VTSL: business phone systems, hosted VoIP solutions, telecoms technology

5 Instances a Phone Call is Better Than An Email

Written by Joe Saunders | 11-Apr-2019 09:47:25

Many people prefer to write an email instead of making a phone call. And for good reason. Emails are an incredibly efficient form of communication. There is no opportunity for a long, rambling chat, and you can check what you have written before pressing 'send'.  But an email is sometimes the worst medium for communication.  Tone and feeling can be misconstrued, questions can't be answered in real-time, and the opportunity to build a closer relationship is lost. Here are 5 times when it is better to make that call. 

1) When You Owe an Apology

If you owe someone an apology, it will make much more of an impact if you take the time to pick up the phone and actually tell them you are sorry.  An email apology is impersonal, and could be considered lazy. A verbal, heart-felt apology delivered in your own voice on the other hand, will leave the other party thinking you are professional, confidant and genuinely sorry. 

2) When You Anticipate a Lot of Questions

Many times the VTSL provisioning team will call a new customer before responding to their email because they anticipate a lot of questions.  Can I keep my phone number?  How do I set up my auto-attendant? How long will the engineer be on site? It is hard to construct emails that answer every question the other party may have, but in a conversation, questions can be asked and answered as they come up in a natural way.  Things are able to be discussed in real-time, and follow-up questions can be asked on the spot.

Email is a great way to confirm what was said on the call however, and sending an email to ensure both parties are on the same page is usually a good idea. It helps to put some of the answered questions in writing for reference. 

3) When You Have to Explain Something Complicated

There’s a reason why telephone support still exists. If  customer needs help with something complex, an email may do more to confuse them than to  help.  And research shows that 73% of customer service managers say that support inquiries are becoming more complex.

Written instructions are always helpful as a point of reference. But if you are trying to follow a series of complicated steps, or you are simply new to what you are doing, it is very helpful to have someone walk you through it over the phone.

4) When You Want to Demonstrate Your Phone Tech

If your phone has mobile twinning, call recording, a VTSL soft client and group voicemail, all connected to your CRM system so that you never have to lift a finger to log a call - well, it is not only easier to call than to write an email, but it shows the other party that your organisation is efficient and using technology to the fullest. This means lower overheads, more productive employees and better prices for customers.  

5) When You Need to Discuss Something Personal

Even the most professional of employees will need to discuss something personal with a manager, colleague or client at some point.  

Using the spoken word in lieu of email can help to make your counterpart feel like a priority, and to understand the significance of what you are discussing. It will also help them to empathise with you if they can hear your voice.  Whether it is a family emergency or medical issue, skip the email and have a real conversation about it instead.


About VTSL

VTSL is a leading unified communications provider in the UK & Ireland, with over 10,000 users of its award winning IP business telephony system. VTSL's in-house developers ensure VTSL's business VoIP phone system stays on the cutting edge of technology, helping organisations to work smarter and faster.  With easy-to-use handsets and over 30 features included for free, it is easy to see why VTSL's affordable business telephony is the first choice for growing businesses who want to get ahead. For more information, please email info@vtsl.net or call VTSL on 020 7078 3200.