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How to Be Better at Your Job

Written by Audra Oliver | 30-Oct-2014 17:21:00

The logic goes like this: If you are great at your job, you will like it more, and if you like what you do more, you will be a happier person.


So the question is, how can we be better at our jobs?


Here are some tips from two experts in the field, Shawnice Meador, director of career management and leadership development at MBA@UNC, and Lynn Taylor, a national workplace expert and author of Tame Your Terrible Office Tyrant; How to Manage Childish Boss Behavior and Thrive in Your Job.

1. Get to know your boss better
Your boss controls your destiny. It is in your best interest to get to know them better both personally and professionally. “It doesn’t mean you need to be friends with them or hang out with them, but you do need to learn what makes them tick. The more you communicate with your boss, the better it is for you,” says Taylor. Don’t be afraid to pick up the phone (especially your VTSL IP phone) and ask them a question or offer an idea for improvement.
2. Assume success
Want to be better? Act like you already are. “Your positive attitude can be seen in your facial expression, posture, tone and speed of your voice,” Taylor says. “Be confident in your work. You’re uniquely qualified to do exactly what you do.” Imagine that everything you contribute helps the bottom line, she says.
3. Study your industry
Your industry is constantly changing and you need to keep up with what’s happening now, Teach says. “Most industries have trade magazines or websites that have the latest news in that industry. It’s important to read these so that you are well informed and can discuss recent industry events and changes with your co-workers, supervisors, and management. Information is power.” Try getting Google Alerts for key industry words and competitors to stay on top of things.
4. Always come to the table with a solution
Most people don’t have a solution, they have a problem. Those that do have a solution are often seen as just creating more work that no one has time for. As Meador says, “Share ideas with context and a clear path for implementation for the leader to evaluate.” The more you present any issues with recommended solutions and then implement those solutions in a timely and effective manner, the more the leadership team will rely on you and think about you for future projects and new responsibilities, she says.
5. Work harder and smarter
At VTSL, this is one of our favourite things—finding ways to work smarter. Working hard is obvious, but often working smarter isn’t. Our IP phone system allow businesses to work smarter in a variety of ways from better handling of customer service calls to better use of features such as call recording and advanced call routing. Learn more here.
6. Volunteer to get involved with special projects
Speaking of our IP phone system, the most successful employees, pick up the phone and offer to help and get involved with special projects. The more you can help across all business units, the better, Meador says. “Lending expertise, time and effort to other teams will help you get to know other aspects of the organisation as well as help you connect with people across the company,” she says.
7. Follow through on all tasks and commitments
We all know how annoying it is to have someone commit to doing something and then fail to do it. Don’t be that person if you want to be better at your job. “One of the most important things you can do as an employee is to follow through on work commitments,” Meador says. “Do what you say you are going to do in a quality manner, on time and on budget.” Your co-workers and management will see a pattern of reliability from you, which should increase their trust and confidence in your work, she adds. “Over time, this should translate into key leadership taking notice of the value you bring to the organization, and may lead to challenging, promotional opportunities down the road.”
Happier yet? :)  Learn more about how VTSL's IP phone system can make you better at your job on our website www.vtsl.net.