VTSL: business phone systems, hosted VoIP solutions, telecoms technology

How to Make the Right Decision Every Time

Written by Audra Oliver | 20-Jun-2014 12:47:00

Businesses have to make decisions every day.  So do we as individuals.


Some decisions are relatively inconsequential, but when it comes to big decisions, on subjects that will affect things permanently… how do we increase our chances of making the ‘right’ decision?


Research shows there are three key things you can do to help you make the best possible decision.


1. If you aren’t calm, delay the decision: Sounds obvious, but most people don’t do this.  When faced with a big decision, we feel pressure – adrenaline is pumped into our blood stream and our cortisol levels rise.  This essentially helps us to fight, not to make a good decision.  Waiting until you are calm with a clear head is critical.

How do you stay calm?


Mobile twin & go for a walk:  Turn on Mobile Twinning via your VTSL Web Portal with a few clicks of your mouse and have your mobile ‘twin’ your office phone so that you don’t miss any calls while out of the office that may help you make your decision.  The act of walking will help clear your head and reduce stress levels.


2. Get more information:  You may think you have plenty of information and that the decision just needs to be made.  However chances are, if you are having a hard time deciding there are probably facts to be found that could help.


How to get more information?


Pick up the phone:  Call someone that may be able to provide additional insight or perspective.  With a VTSL VoIP business phone you could even record the call via Call Recording to use to explain to others the reason for your ultimate decision, or to even review the advice you received privately later.


3. Make the decision in your head and then wait two hours:  Maybe you are calm already and you have all available information, and you STILL don’t know what to do.  Make the decision in your head and pretend like it is actually made.  See yourself telling all the parties involved, witnessing their reaction and moving forward.  Then do it again for the alternate option.  The better decision will usually become clear.


How do you pretend to make the decision?


Say it out loud:  Pick up your Mitel IP business phone, press Directory to take it off a live line and pretend to tell interested parties what you have decided.


“The road to success and the road to failure are almost exactly the same,” a famous English conductor called Colin R. Davis once said.


So make good decisions and get a VTSL VoIP business phone system to help.