5 Must-Read Business Writers

  • Robert Walton
  • 20-Aug-2015 14:37:00

You are probably familiar with the feeling of having too many things to read. There is a deluge of interesting content flowing through your phone, tablet and television these days... blogs, newsletters, e-books, tweets, videos on every topic under the sun, with thousands more being produced each minute. Whether you are into digital marketing or sea anemones, there are endless ways you can stay up to date with the latest information, research and trends. 




Ok, we will help. For those of you that are interested in business, productivity and success… we put together a list of writers that offer content that is worth prioritising.



Travis_Bradberry1. Dr. Travis Bradberry

Dr. Travis Bradberry is author of the best-selling book, Emotional Intelligence 2.0.


He writes about the habits of successful people and how emotional intelligence is responsible for 58% of our job performance.  He also writes about how to be more likable. Hmmm…


Here are his must-read recent articles:


1. How Successful People Stay Calm

2. Caffeine: The Silent Killer of Success

3. Why Successful People Never Bring Smartphones Into Meetings



Jeff_Haden2. Jeff Haden

Jeff Haden is a writer with over 650,000 followers on LinkedIn. 


He is consistently ranked as one of the best business writers online, writing for BusinessInsider, Inc., Entrepreneur, and LinkedIn Influencer.


Here are some of his most interesting articles:


1. Want To Be More Successful? Marry The Right Person.

2. 8 Qualities That Make Great Bosses Unforgettable

3. Does How You Dress Impact Your Career? Sadly, Yes.



Stephanie_Vozza3. Stephanie Vozza

Stephanie Vozza is a Detroit-based writer who covers the habits of successful people, productivity tools, and unconventional networking techniques. She writes for FastCompany amongst others.


Articles of hers you will probably enjoy:


1. Seven Habits of Optimistic People

2. How To Make New Friends As An Adult

3. Meditation Techniques For People Who Hate Meditation



Steve_Tobak4. Steve Tobak

Steve Tobak is a columnist at who writes about the habits of successful people and unique leadership advice. He also has real-world experience, so he isn’t just a commentator.


He's a management consultant and executive coach who runs the Silicon Valley-based firm, Invisor Consulting. He's also an author of the upcoming book, Real Leaders Don't Follow: Being Extraordinary in the Age of the Entrepreneur.


Here are some of his top articles:


1. Want To Be Successful? Quit Being Entitled.

2. How Alibaba's Jack Ma Became The Richest Man In China

3. 10 Behaviors You Never See In Successful People



Lolly_Daskal5. Lolly Daskal

Lolly has written thousands of articles and columns for a variety of online media outlets, including Inc., Fast Company, Huffington Post, and Psychology Today.


She is also a leadership coach, consultant, facilitator, and speaker, with a Twitter account of over 1 million followers.


Some of Lolly’s best articles include:


1. 8 Deadly Ways to Kill Employee Motivation

2. How To Impress Anyone In 30 Seconds Or Less

3. 10 Harsh Truths That Will Improve Your Life Instantly


When it comes to our favourite topic, technology, telecoms and business VoIP we like our local London journalists Christopher Williams (Technology, Media and Telecoms editor for the Telegraph) and Daniel Thomas (Telecoms correspondent at the Financial Times).  They won’t give you tips on how to be more likable but they will keep you up to date with the latest telecoms industry news, TMT developments, business telephony technology, VoIP sector insights and other related happenings. 


You can read Dan Thomas’s blog here about all things tech and telecoms (and VoIP of course!).


And you can read some of Chris Williams’ latest and most interesting articles here.


Happy summer holiday reading from all of us at VTSL.  And please let us know the names of your favourite business or technology writers by submitting a comment below.