The Finer Connections: Understanding IP Addresses, Domains, Clients, Servers, & ports

  • Tom Goldsworthy
  • 15-Mar-2017 12:06:00
  • Telecoms

Most people are familiar with the terms IP address, server and domain, but do you know what they actually mean... or 'do'? In the last of our blog series about how the internet works, we take a look at IP addresses, domains, clients, servers and ports.  And no, we don't mean the port you drink. 


The Internet as a Network: Understanding ISP, LAN, POP, NAP & more

  • Tom Goldsworthy
  • 06-Mar-2017 10:25:00
  • Telecoms

In our second blog in our series explaining how the Internet works, we look at the Internet as a network—the different components that make up that network, and how they speak to each other. After all, every computer that is connected to the Internet is part of a network. Click on each bolded term to learn what it means.