Call Mapping: How to Structure the Perfect Sales Call

Most sales and marketing professionals will argue that the cold call is dead—an outdated mode of pitching your services that potentially creates more potential ill-will than sales.


Want Better Wi-Fi at Home?  Get a Mesh Network

Mesh networks give your home Wi-Fi setup a boost using extra boxes that give the signal a kick as it passes through. They don’t magically give your home a connection it didn’t have before, but rather extend the connection you already have, further. So if your home is large, or you need to extend your Wi-Fi beyond the router’s current capabilities, a Mesh network is probably just the thing for you.


When is 5G coming to a Smartphone Near You?

Super-fast mobile streaming could be just around the corner. Network providers around the world are already testing 5G networks, with the first 5G-ready smartphones expected to be released early next year.