Want the best mobile coverage?  Get a foreign SIM or VTSL

You may have read in the news last month, that to get the best mobile coverage in the UK, people are putting foreign SIM cards into their smart phones.  Why?  Because a foreign SIM card will search for any available network mast, not just those from a particular UK carrier. 


A Different Kind of Time: The man who makes £100,000 watches

Somewhere in the Isle of Man, in a small studio no one has every heard of, the best watches in the world are born. 


Different Types of Business Telephone Systems - Explained

  • Audra Oliver
  • 17-Oct-2016 16:34:04
  • Telecoms

As with any technology, it helps to know what is out there before making a decision as to what to buy.  A business telephone system is no exception, and with all the options these days, having a good understanding of what is available will ensure your business gets the right thing.


Why Companies Are Spending Billions on Their Offices

You might think that with an increase in flexible working, home working and office mobility solutions, the office as we know it may cease to exist. Why would we need big offices if most people are working elsewhere most of the time? Surely with unified communications solutions, video conferencing and one-number contactability—coming into the office will soon be a thing of the past.


The Lost Art of Talking on the Phone

What do you do if you need to communicate with someone?


The Effect Your Posture Has on Your Body

Most of us sit all day long.  It is part and parcel of working.  But most of us don’t make the most of sitting.  We hunch over our keyboards, lower our heads to see screens better or scoot way down in our chair.  What we should be doing, is sitting up straight—as if a ribbon was running from our tailbone through the top of our head. Easier said than done, we understand.


What You Should Know About False Memories: Experts explain

Have you ever been absolutely sure about a memory, only to have someone else remember it differently? 


Why You Hear That High Frequency Buzzing In Your Ear

You know that weird, high pitched noise you can hear in one ear occasionally—that no one else can hear? It is not aliens trying to communicate with you, nor the ridiculously loud movie you saw at the cinema the night before. It is your body’s way of shutting off your ability to hear that frequency of noise, forever.


Buyer Beware: What you thought was the safe option, isn't

  • Audra Oliver
  • 05-Aug-2016 15:55:34
  • Telecoms

I’ve always chosen the bigger company when given a choice about who to buy a service from.  My logic being: 1) economies of scale allow larger companies to offer a less expensive service, 2) the sheer volume of customers means bigger R&D budgets, 3) larger companies have more resource in the event something goes wrong, and 4) because they are bigger, there is more oversight, i.e. they are regulated, ‘watched’ and held publicly accountable by the media. 

In short, they are too big to fail or get it really wrong. 


How Li-Fi Is Different from Wi-Fi

You may have missed it two years ago when Harold Haas demonstrated the first commercially available Li-Fi system at the 2014 Mobile World Congress in Barcelona. The man who coined the term Li-fi itself showed the world how this emerging, and very cool technology, can actually work as a consumer product. But you won’t be able to miss it soon.  Li-Fi is about to go mainstream.