• Richard Senger
  • 08-Jun-2017 19:05:16

You probably know that Bluetooth is a wireless connection between devices that allows for data transfer over short distances.


Why You Hear That High Frequency Buzzing In Your Ear

You know that weird, high pitched noise you can hear in one ear occasionally—that no one else can hear? It is not aliens trying to communicate with you, nor the ridiculously loud movie you saw at the cinema the night before. It is your body’s way of shutting off your ability to hear that frequency of noise, forever.


7 Tech Products to Help You Sleep

It is a hot topic: sleep, or lack thereof.  As research continues to pile up confirming the negative impacts of poor sleep on our work, health and mental well-being, we are seeing the technology sector respond.  New products, devices and apps have flooded the market, promising to help you get some zzz’s.  Here we have compiled a list of the top seven.


Next Level, Incredibly Efficient Wi-Fi

You come home after a long day of work. Hungry, thinking about leftover pizza, you say: Turn on oven to 180. Feeling slightly chilly, you say: Turn heat up to to 22. Then you ask, What TV shows are on now that I would like... only to hear a familiar voice tell you Top Gear is starting in 10 minutes. As you enter each room, the lights automatically come on to your desired night-time level and you throw yourself on to the inviting sofa.


Build Your Own App: Check Out ‘GET’

  • Richard Senger
  • 27-Nov-2015 16:56:23

Shopping online has reached epic proportions, and today (Black Friday) is evidence of that. People aren’t running out to the High Street, they are just logging on and clicking. Which is great news for larger retailers with an online presence / ecommerce, and bad news for gorgeous local shops. But it is not all doom and gloom for small businesses: enter cool new French startup called Get, founded by Adrien Touati and Deezer co-founder Daniel Marhely. Get allows local shops to ‘get with the times’ in terms of technology and modernise their retail approach.  


Recruitment Firms Win with the Right Technology Strategy

  • Richard Senger
  • 21-Nov-2014 16:11:00

The recruitment industry is booming and is expected to grow by more than 25% over the next 3 years. With a turnover of a remarkable £26.5bn in 2013, the industry is attracting more and more business people who all want to have their share what is becoming a very big cake.


Competition is fierce and many companies disappear just as quickly as they pop up. In the end though, like most things, the recruitment industry boils down to survival of the fittest.


The best companies will utilise the latest technology to create a competitive advantage.