What is a Softphone?

  • Lee Zweig
  • 25-Oct-2022 10:49:29

A softphone is a piece of software that allows users to make telephone calls over the internet via a computer or smartphone. It has all the features of a desk phone and typically expands the range of services you can access on a desk phone. Most importantly, a softphone allows you to take your work phone with you wherever you go. It can be installed on a laptop, tablet or smartphone which allows you to make (and receive) calls from your work phone number on your personal mobile, without using any personal mobile minutes. 


Create Value by Transforming the Customer Journey

It is not enough to compete solely on the merit of products and services. How a company delivers its products is becoming as important as what it delivers. This experience — the journey through product discovery, trial, evaluation, purchase and beyond — provides an opportunity to add value to what is being sold. People will pay more for that experience to be a positive and easy one. 


How to Create Value by Transforming the Customer Journey

It is no longer enough to compete solely on the merit of products and services. How a company delivers its products is becoming as important as what it delivers. This experience — the journey through product discovery, trial, evaluation, purchase and beyond — provides an opportunity to add value to what is being sold. People will pay more for that experience to be a positive and easy one. 


The Future Of Remote Working - What Next For GPs?

  • Lee Zweig
  • 29-Jun-2021 10:54:53

By Lee Zweig

By now, many GPs will have experienced the benefits and frustrations of remote working. While it has proved vital in continuing to provide services to people up and down the country, it can present a range of challenges that are most effectively addressed by improving both processes and technology.


3 Reasons Why Working from Home is Here to Stay for GP Practices

By Lee Zweig

A recent poll by GP Online has shown that 63% of GP’s think that some degree of home working will remain after the pandemic is over, given there are some clear benefits - both short and long term. 


How GP's Can Reduce the Impact of Practice Closures

By Lee Zweig

With winter coming and local lockdowns popping up all over the country, the likelihood of staff needing to isolate, or even practice closures, is increasing.  Fortunately, technology is here to help. Staff can work from home as effectively (or close to) if they have the right tools.  


Is Your GP Practice Using a Call Recording System for Complaints?

Usually patients are limited in their ability to lodge a complaint to directly to their surgery. They can 1) speak to the receptionist, 2) write a feedback card 3) email a general surgery address, or 4) fill out text/online questionnaires.

But what  about a call recording system?


The Difference Between Fibre Broadband and a Fibre Leased Line

  • Lee Zweig
  • 16-Jun-2020 14:39:01

If you are working from home for the foreseeable future, you may be evaluating your internet connectivity choices — opting for ‘fibre’ if your provider offers it in your area. But if you have already upgraded to ‘fibre’ and it still isn’t as fast as the lightening-quick connection you have in the office, this is why.


8 Reasons To Go Back To The Office

While many people have enjoyed working from home over the past few months, there is a broad recognition that a completely home-based workforce can’t compare to one that has the ability to collaborate in-person. The serendipitous consequences of accidentally overhearing something you needed to know, or the unintended collaboration that occurs simply by sitting next to someone (even 2m apart), have value – a value that will no doubt end up quantified through an increasing number of studies like this one as we get more data from lockdown.


Want To Boost Productivity? Start With These Small Changes

Transforming a business doesn't have to take thousands of pounds, management consultants or new training initiatives. It can happen through the smallest of changes. For example, a study found that when hospitals followed a simple checklist before a surgical procedure, death rates decreased by 40 percent. When Marriot implemented workplace flexibility, the company found that low-value work dropped from 11.7 hours per week to only 6.8 hours, and productivity increased even though the number of hours worked decreased.