Call Mapping: How to Structure the Perfect Sales Call

Most sales and marketing professionals will argue that the cold call is dead—an outdated mode of pitching your services that potentially creates more potential ill-will than sales.


When is 5G coming to a Smartphone Near You?

Super-fast mobile streaming could be just around the corner. Network providers around the world are already testing 5G networks, with the first 5G-ready smartphones expected to be released early next year.


Don’t Rush to Get Rid of Your Desktop Handsets Just Yet

Headsets are playing an increasingly important role in the UC market. Once a desk phone-attached add-on whose main job was to prevent cramped necks, headsets are no longer just a convenience for office workers. Instead, they have become a necessity in UC solutions that can deliver high-quality voice across congested networks but not across the typically inadequate speakers and microphones built into detops, laptops, and mobiles.


Use Technology to Your Advantage: 3 Smart Security Options to Keep Your Business Safe

With a global focus on cyber security the past few years, it is easy to forget about physical security: protecting our businesses from criminal intruders. Yet this is as real a concern for offices across the UK as hacking is. Businesses are responsible for customer data held on site, payment information and of course the safety of their employees amongst other things. Here we have compiled options for securing your office, the modern way. Technology may seem like a vulnerability for companies, but it can also be a strength.


How Does GDPR Affect Call Recording? Important Info

On May 25th, 2018 the EU-wide ‘General Data Protection Regulations’ (GDPR) will come into effect. If you are recording phone calls, for any reason, the new legislation affects you.


5 Technology Trends to Watch for Small Businesses in 2018

Sometimes being ahead of the curve is a difficult place to live.  We are all familiar with products that we think will become mainstream one day, but are ‘ahead of their time’, and as such we don’t buy them. But jumping on a new technology bandwagon just as it takes off is very powerful for a business. You are saved all the niggles of the very early versions, yet receive the benefits of new tech before nearly everyone else.


What Does 2018 Hold For Telecoms In the UK?

Some may not think of the telecoms industry as interesting — particularly if it conjures up images of men in hard hats working on phones lines.  But the telecoms industry is vast, from the large telecoms companies that connect nearly all UK homes, to the modern service providers offering VoIP business phone systems, to the ever-expanding mobile networks that keep you online wherever you may be.


5 Barriers To Providing Excellent Customer Service 

Bad customer service undermines everything  —  from your newly redesigned product, to your beautiful packaging.  It is the most personal interaction your customers will have with your company.  It isn’t the same as browsing your website, or even using your product or service, it is a direct human to human connection between your team and your customers.  Ultimately, it is an opportunity to make a lasting positive impression.


High Speed Broadband to Reach Millions as BT Faces New Competition

Just when you thought the UK countryside may never get decent internet connectivity, Vodafone signs a partnership deal with Cityfibre to build high-speed broadband networks to as many as 5 million UK homes, in a move that will create a powerful new rival to BT Openreach.


Productivity Apps That Will Add Hours to Your Day

  • Kate Davies
  • 14-Oct-2017 17:08:42

It isn't about trying to jam more into our days that has us so keen on productivity apps, as it is about expending less effort to get the same amount done. These apps will help you do, write, make and collaborate in an easier way. So don't be a creature of habit and work harder and longer to get less done - get a productivity app! Here are our unified communications experts' top 5.